Printer Friendly Version LITERARY EVENING WITH MILOVAN DANOJLIĆ AT THE EMBASSY, 06TH NOVEMBER, 2018 @ 7 November 2018 03:13 PM

The Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in the Swiss Confederation organized a literary evening with one of Serbian most famous contemporary writers and corresponding member of Serbian Academy of Sciences and ArtsMr. Milovan Danojlic, on November 6th, 2018.
       Through reading his poetry and talking about the works of world famous writers and poets which hetranslated into Serbian (C. Bodler, J. Brodsky, E. Cioran, W. B. Yeats ...), Mr. Milovan Danojlić shared his reflections with the audience about his writing, preservation of identity, culture, tradition and Serbian language in the era of globalism.
       The literary evening was opened by Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia tothe Swiss Confederation Mrs. Snežana Janković and it was visited by numerous representatives of Serbian diaspora.