Printer Friendly Version KUD "VEZ" CELEBRATED ITS 5th ANNIVERSARY, 14. December,.2019 @ 17 December 2019 12:01 PM

Serbian Cultural Society “VEZ” from Lausanne celebrated its 5th anniversary with the “Winter Melody Concert” in Renens, on December 14th .
       On this occasion, the guests were addressed by Karine Clerc, President of the Integration Department and a member of the Social and Financial Administration of the Municipality of Renon and Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia in the Swiss Confederaation H.E. Mr. Goran Bradić.
       Several ensembles presented songs, dance and customs from different parts of Serbia, and serbian pop singer Jelena Tomačević performed her most famous songs.

         You can see the page from the "NEWS - Diaspora" HERE